The most famous homeless person in the world Ted Williams became an instant celebrity with the now famous video of him standing on the side of the road as a homeless man with a golden voice. His radio voice surely didn't match how he looked, which was the formula for the video's viral success. Before long Williams was on ever news channel telling his story of how he threw a successful radio career away due to drugs and alcohol. He had claimed to be sober and to have found God, but remained homeless and couldn't catch a break in life.
This made for a lovely story, until reality kicked in and it became apparent that you can't take a homeless guy who's had a drug and alcohol problem, throw a ton of publicity and money his way, and everything will be perfect. I mean come on, who couldn't see this coming? Dr. Phil stepped in and no doubt got a major ratings boost by featuring Williams on his show and reuniting him with his former wife and kids on his show. Williams was sure to tell all his family that they would all be "gettin' paid," so it was pretty evident where all this was going.
Not long after his initial appearance on Dr. Phil, a story broke about Williams getting into a hotel brawl with one of his daughters, and also that he hadn't really been sober at all. Williams had run ins with the cops only a few months before his fame, and on top of that was drinking in the hotel Dr. Phil provided. Dr. Phil once again jumped on the opportunity for another big show by once again featuring Williams and confronting him about his lies. Phil offered Williams an all expense paid trip to rehab at one of the best rehab facilities in the world, and Williams accepted.
So this great story about this homeless drug addict with a golden voice turned out to not be exactly what everyone thought, but hey at least the guy is getting help right? Wrong. According to TMZ, Ted Williams has left rehab against medical advice after being there less than two weeks.
I wonder how many homeless people out there are legitamately trying to better themselves but just can't catch a break? Did Ted Williams hurt all of their reputations by proving to be the stereotypical homeless person that gets some money and runs right back to alcohol and drugs? I'm sure there are plently of homeless poeple out there with similar amazing talents, but does that mean the media should turn every one into a hyped up Cinderella story that after a closer look, really is not that amazing at all? I don't see a happy ending with this one, but thats what us Jerks do. We point out how stupid this was from the beginning, and point out how no one even knew anything about this guy before giving him the opportunities a million other homeless people maybe wouldn't have royally screwed up. OH WELL.