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Monday, August 10, 2009
State Of The Jerks Address
Hello Readers,
Tonight, I come to you, to inform everyone about the status of this site.
The girl in the picture has nothing to do with anything other than the fact being that I want to do very dirty things to her. Moving on...
Now recently, we had a new writer join, Johnny Dakota, where his whereabouts are, we don't know. Why he can't write more, we don't know.
G.C. and D$.... don't ask me.
As for me, I have been shooting a movie. Yep, shooting a horror/comedy titled Goodbye Light. I serve as co-writer, and co-director, as well as producer on this film. Look for it on DVD sometime early 2010. The distribution deal, has already been signed.
As for this site itself.... will it live on? Or will it die...... to me, this site will live on. During the week, I will do what I can to provide some updates here and there. But G.C., D$, and Johnny, need to get involved as well to make this site as big as it can be.
So we will stop lollygaggin around, and starting tomorrow, we should be back to posting news stories once again.
Thanks for hanging in there true believers. We are back.
And as for my film, if you are actually curious about it, you can head to and check out some production stills from the past couple days of filming.