I had a 2 day layover in Dallas between assignments, and was offered to come along with a few associates to the Black Eyed Peas concert in Dallas this past weekend. I'm a casual fan of the group, and figured their live show would probably be pretty good, so hey why not. I looked up some info. to see what was going on for the event....and to my surprise, Ludacris was opening the show. Seemed odd to me, as I figured Ludacris was too big at this point to be opening for anyone, but pretty cool to see two headliners. I was less thrilled to see LMFAO as the other opening act for the show, but luckily when we got there, it was posted that LMFAO wouldn't be there due to some conflict. Will.I.Am had a couple of slip ups on the show, one being he thanked Ludacris AND LMFAO for being there, then caught himself and seemed to hint to us that he wasn't all that upset that they weren't there. Place was packed to the rafters, tons of screaming teenagers of course, but a pretty diverse group overall. They had a extensive stage, and a catwalk that came into the crowd. Ludacris did a relatively short performance, but got all his big songs in so the place was happy. The Black Eyed Peas put on a crazy show....the affects they use have to cost thousands per show. The bass in the arena was so damn hard my organs were vibrating, but I guess that's good at this sort of show. The crowd loved everything they saw, and never died down. Lots of drunks around pushing their way to get closer to the stage (the floor was standing room only, no chairs) so getting molested by the drunk girls around you is a plus...sometimes. Fergie seemed to get the biggest reaction, as she flaunted that body that everyone in Hollywood talks about. She sported a few different outfits, showing off some cleavage and in another outift with her ass pretty much hanging out...and who doesn't love some Fergie ass. Fergie did some ass shaking and sexual gesturing for the guys (and some of the girls no doubt.) Will.I.Am did an incredible DJ set that included some rock, old school, little bit of everything. They did their signature songs, and of course "I Got a Feeling" which was a given to end the show with, being it's used on every commercial on TV these days. Overall a great show, and they accomplished their mission of turning the arena into a dance club atmosphere. I only took a Fergie pic since she was the eye candy here. I haven't heard much yet on others thoughts on the show, but from what I found, here is a more extensive Black Eyed Peas Dallas concert review if you want more full details. I would recommend this show if your a casual fan or even a fan of dance clubs. I would stay away if you don't like standing for hours while waiting and watching the show or if your against near mosh pits full of drunks (or at least shoot for a seat in the upper levels.) Here is some video I found of it that someone else took, as you can tell the bass is so hard the camera can't even get the sound right, but you get the idea.