I understand stores, especially corporate stores, don't really want employees to stop shoplifters. It can cause all kinds of problems, but when that employee is your store manager and has dedicated insane work hours to your business to help sales and run the store to perfect? Not to mention a father of 4. I think firing him over the situation is a little bit of a dick move.
I know this site generally only posts entertainment gossip and news, but this story really bugged me. I was going to call this post, Big Lots, More Like Big Dicks, but you can see how that wouldn't really work out. What Big Lots did was a dick move. There needs to be more people in the world like this guy. A hard working Dad who provides for his family and is a 100% dedicated employee, getting screwed over because he was trying to just do what Batman would do, stand up for justice. And protect the assets of the company he works for. Here is the story of what went down, from the guys fiancee.
My fiancee was terminated
from Big Lots for stopping a shoplifter and trying to protect the
company's assets. Adam is a hardworking, loyal employee and drove sales
and had high standards. He acted on morale and was fed up with the
shoplifting in his store.
He was the store manager at Big Lots on 32nd
st and Thomas in Phoenix, AZ. Theft is a huge problem at this time and only became
worse after Big Lots did away with the police officers that used to
stand at the door.
Adam never touched the man, he saw the man exiting the store with a
huge bulge under his shirt. When Adam asked him to lift his shirt up the
man refused and used profanity. Then Adam followed the man outside and
kept asking him for the merchandise back and the man took off.
Later that day the thief filed a complaint and lied stating my
husband touched him and called him names. Adams District Manager called the man and
offered him a gift card to calm him down, the man said no that he was filing a
lawsuit. Adam had an assistant manager witness that Adam never touched
the guy nor called him names. My fiancee was just doing what he thought
was right and now is out of a job. It's scary because, we can lose
everything now.
REALLY BIG LOTS? REALLY? So wait, let me get this straight. You can go into a Big Lots, steal some things, run home, call Big Lots complaining about being treated unfairly for stealing, and then get a gift card for it? What?? And, not only will I get to keep the items I stole, and get a gift card for it, but I can also get the employee who tried to stop me fired??
All sarcasm aside, this is complete BS. I'm sure this isn't the first story of this kind that has happened, but this is pretty messed up. The guy just stole from Big Lots, and they're afraid he might file a lawsuit? The guy, who just stole, from Big Lots, somehow also has the money to hire some powerful attorneys to file a lawsuit against Big Lots for being harassed because he was shoplifting.
What Big Lots should have done, was get the guys info, and then call the cops themselves and send them to this guys house. Or just say hey, kick rocks pal. But instead they fired a good guy who was just trying to do the right thing.
Well Big Lots, I'm afraid I have some BAD NEWS. My Grandma LOVES you. Seriously, she will go to Big Lots almost 3 days out of the week, and spend tons of money on useless junk. So what's the bad news? She can't drive, she's 90 years old, and her only way of getting to Big Lots? Her nice grandson, me. Guess where she will no longer be going? I will have to just explain to her that Big Lots is ran by a bunch of idiots, and she will take her weird money purse thing she carries around somewhere else.
Big Lots, just do the right thing. I know it's hard for a corporate company to do since a lot of companies make idiotic decisions, but just give this guy his job back.
If you want to help this dude out and spread the word, tweet #GetHisJobBack
Update: as our new blog explains, we are no longer BunchOfJerks.com but we are still just a bunch of jerks.