Just a quick update on the videos. Been wanting to put stuff up besides iPhone vids so I've gone heavy duty and ordered an external hard drive to store every video on. Some may be repeats, some new, and some old, really old, ever wanna see Random Villain at 3 years old dancing to the Beverly Hills Cop theme? You will. All that a more. The hard drive is here, and the transfers of videos have begun.
I also filmed an all new video, a cooking video. That's right. Learn the secret of the Potato Drop! Coming at ya Monday.
Now excuse me while I go get drunk. Till the next video is posted, here is Hilary Duff as a vampire. Because vampire chicks are hot, and I don't care what people say, Hilary Duff is hot. And I would do many things to her that would be frowned upon by every church in the country.