Now, I am what people call, a "camper". Which is a stupid thing to complain about. Camping is, pretty much what a real sniper would really do. Sit in one spot, wait, and kill you when you come by. How is running out into the middle of the field being smart at all? Camping is just, winning. So I don't really get killed that often by these noob tubin kids. But it does make running to certain spots almost like trying to get through an earthquake. Because if they're not launching grenades all over, theyre throwing out the flash bangs. Over, and over, and over.
In Modern Warfare 2, this was a huge annoyance, to the point that I just stopped playing. But Black Ops I have high hopes for. Black Ops is made by Treyarch, and they did not make Modern Warfare 2, but they are the ones who made World At War. Which is slightly better than Modern Warfare 2 in my opinion. And the online play for World At War, there wasn't much grenade madness going on. So hopefully this is the same with Black Ops. I guess I will find out this Tuesday!