Well I got the call a few hours ago that a major meeting had taken place, deals made, big plans laid out, etc., then I was notified that the Bunch of Jerks were inviting me back for a re-launch that will take this site to the top....so of course I was all for it. When I first came on board to the former site owned by this group, I saw a mega site with tons of posts that was on the brink of becoming a player. Well that story had a well documented downfall, but it seems that former site is what inspired this new launch for BunchofJerks.com. Well I figured it was only right to research the classic DevonLohan.com site and get a feel for what made that site so great. What I found..........was a vagina..........blanket. That's right, the one post that really made me stop and wonder if someone had actually seen this, then got excited enough to take a picture and post about it. I mean sure, anyone could grab their blanket and....shape it like a vagina...but if it just randomly happened on it's own....OH the hilarity, and possible arousal? I have no explanation, so all I can offer you is this re-post of the classic.........vagina.......blanket:
So our very own Devon here officially has the mind of a 13 year old boy. As he sent me this wonderful photo after walking into his bedroom that hasn't seen a woman in about, oh well never, and he looks down and sees that his crumpled up blanket, has the shape of a vagina!! OMFG ITS SO FUNNYYYYYYYZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ So he ran laughing getting his camera and took a picture of it, to savor the moment that it will be the ONLY time he ever has something that even closely resembles a vagina, on his bed.
Well, here it is folks!Yeah, I know, this is pointless but fuck it. News is slow. Normally this would be posted on our message boards, but in another case of Devon acting like a 13 year old, he went and told on us cause we used his fat pink face and they closed our boards down.