So if there was ever a post that was made strictly just for some keyword searches and what not, this is it. I thought we were done with this stupid movies? If you actually googled searched to see if they are making a 5th Scary Movie, then go in the bathroom and put your head inside the toilet and give yourself a swirly for being such a moron. These are some of the worst movies that exist. We never really write about them, because they're useless and the people who enjoy them are just as useless. But like I said, we like traffic to the site, so SCARY MOVIE 5 SCARY MOVIE 5 SCARY MOVIE 5 SHOOT ME IN THE FACE.
Oh and if thats not enough, Scary Movie 5 is being made by the genius film making mind behind Soul Plane! The sad thing is this piece of crap will make tons of money at the box office because of the idiotic 15 year old kids who have parents that should raise their kids to avoid crap movies, while GOOD movies like Cabin in the Woods struggle to find an audience. Ugh.
Oh and the image here has nothing to do with Scary Movie 5, it just represents my face when I found out about this movie.