10. Suburban Commando
I loved wrestling. So obviously I made my
Dad take me to go see this opening weekend. I didn’t really go see many
movies with just it being me and him. But I remember every single one
that we did see. I remember sitting in the movie theater trying to
figure out, how did Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker get along on the set
of the movie? How did they make this movie without really beating each
other up?? Mind was blown.
9. Drop Dead Fred
I remember after seeing this I came up
with my own imaginary friend. It didn’t last very long. But I did carry
over the snotface wipe from this movie into real life. People didn’t
appreciate that too much.
8. What About Bob?
When this came out, it was probably the
funniest movie I had ever seen in my life. And today it remains as one
of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I remember going to a friends
slumber party and staying up all night because every time someone fell
asleep they were picked up and tossed into the swimming pool. So I
stayed up all night and got home around 11am. I put this movie on and
laid on the couch to watch it for probably the 10th time that week before falling asleep. Every time I see this movie, I think of that
awesome party.
7. Dutch
I think Dutch would qualify as the very
first “dark comedy” that I ever saw. I was expecting the usual Home
Alone style comedy but got something very different, and very awesome.
6. Ernest Scared Stupid
Probably the last cool Ernest movie. After
this one it was pretty downhill. I do remember stocking up on milk like
there was no tomorrow after seeing this movie. And calling everyone at
school booger lips.
5. Cool As Ice
What is there to say about this movie that
hasn’t already been said everywhere else? I remember watching this
movie right after I had finished watching Please Hammer Don’t Hurt Em
The Movie. I was more of a Hammer fan than I was a Vanilla fan. But this
movie won the day because it hit DVD, and still pops up on TV from time
to time.
4. The Perfect Weapon
The best opening to a movie ever. I got
this song and would do karate in my living room every night before bed
after seeing this movie. I never really knew any karate, but I thought I
did because of that movie and that song taught me enough. Just at work
doing some construction wait, the suns going down, gotta go home and do
3. Curly Sue
The last movie that John Hughes ever
directed. One of those that I didn’t have too much interest in seeing,
but my Grandma took me to the theater to see anyways and I really liked
it then. I don’t think I have even seen this movie since then either.
2. The Addams Family
One of the few my Dad took me to see. One
of the few that is really deserving of an awesome special edition blu
ray release already! One of the few adaptations that held up so well
that it is worthy of being dubbed a classic. Also MC Hammer did an
awesome song for it. Take that Will Smith, Hammer did it first!
1. Terminator 2
Yep. The most ass kicking movie ever made
at that time. Another I saw with my Dad in the theater. Every time I see
this I instantly think of sitting just a few rows from the screen and
the entire thing being on fire with the logo coming up. And of course,
one of the best movie themes of all time.
So that does it for 1991. I will compile the list for 92 which should be comin next week.